Saturday, May 18, 2013


This medical system uses infinitesimal doses of natural substances to stimulate a person's immune system and body's natural defenses. Homeopathy not only offers relief from temporary disorders but, can provide long term healing of a person due to its individual and "wholistic" approach. This often leads to a complete recovery from the dis-ease, as well as, providing an improved understanding of the patient's situation. This type of healing makes it easier and possible to avoid recurrence or relapses in the future and homeopathy stimulates the body's natural defense system by    re-establishing normal immune system and cell functioning.
We study by knowing the totality of symptoms and  individualization. Miasmatic analysis is integral part of Homoeopathic evaluation of every individual case of chronic disease. Its synthesis provides insight into the pace and prognosis for the individual under consideration.

"The true natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm, which when left to themselves, and unchecked by the employment of those remedies that are specific for them, always go on increasing and growing worse, notwithstanding the best mental and corporeal regimen, and torment the patient to the end of his life with ever aggravated sufferings. These are the most numerous and greatest scourges of the human race; for the most robust constitution, the best regulated mode of living and the most vigorous energy of the vital force are insufficient for their eradication."                     
                                             ………...Organon Aphorism §: 78.
Miasm represents the past, the present and the future — the past in terms of the layers of suppression and their removal, the present by the removal of these layers, which leads to a clear assessment of the totality of symptoms, and the future where the patient becomes stronger as a whole and is more able to resist morbific influences. Anti-miasmatic medicines help to clear up the suppressions (in relation to the past); clear up the presenting symptoms from their root or origin (in relation to the present); and clear up the susceptibility to get infection and thereby strengthening the constitution (in relation to the prophylactic aspect or future).
To be more confident in prescribing by including the surface miasm of the case in the consideration of the totality, as miasm, the dyscrasia of the person, constitutes a major part of that totality. Miasm and the symptoms are nothing but the two sides of the coin, and one cannot be considered whilst ignoring the other. In fact, the totality of symptoms cannot be said to be total until and unless the selected remedy covers the miasm.

Even in this modern world of heroic suppressions, a proper constitutional, anti-miasmatic treatment is capable of achieving the good results; There are main sections in knowing the EFFICACY OF ANTI-MIASMATIC REMEDIES OF NASAL POLYP & ITS MIASMATIC EVOLUTION as detailed below:
Part    I    _   Philosophy and Utility of Miasm: Here I have taken the opportunity to discuss the philosophical background of Miasm, and to share my views regarding suppression and the need for miasmatic prescriptions in the modern world.
Part II      _    Miasmatic Diagnostic Classifications: schematic classification of the four miasms, including my tips for rapid miasmatic diagnosis.

Part III     _    Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines: A comprehensive guide to the weight, value or gradation of the medicines and listings of the leading anti-miasmatics.
Part IV     _   Homoeopathic therapeutics

Part V      _   Miasmatic evolution

Part VI     _   Superiority of Homoeopathic Medicines in a Case of Nasal


           PART - I


The theory of miasms originates in Hahnemann's book “The Chronic Diseases” which was published in “1828”. He declared that the theory was the result of 12 years of the most painstaking work on difficult cases of a chronic character combined with his own historical research into the diseases of man. The three miasms given in that work are held to be responsible for all disease of a chronic nature and to form the foundation or basis for all disease in general.
The word miasm means a cloud or fog in the being.
The theory suggests that if 100% of all disease is miasmatic, Then 85% is due to the primary and atavist miasm [Atavist - An organism that has the characteristics of a more primitive type of that organism], Hahnemann called Psora. The remaining 15% of all disease he held to be either syphilitic or sycotic, being derived from suppressed Syphilis or suppressed Gonorrhoea.
 “Psora is that most ancient, most universal, most destructive, and yet most misapprehended chronic miasmatic disease which for many thousands of years has disfigured and tortured mankind... and become the mother of all the thousands of incredibly various chronic diseases” [Chronic Diseases, p9]
Kent, in his Lectures, then greatly enlarged upon the theory, proposing that Psora was the foundation of all other illness, without which mankind would be pure and healthy both in mind and body, as in the Garden of Eden. He thus regarded Psora as being equated with the 'Fall of Man' and with original sinfulness. He portrayed Psora in this highly moralistic light as also being the foundation of the sexual miasms that came later.
'Psora is the beginning of all physical sickness... is the underlying cause and is the primitive or primary disorder of the human race.' [ibid, p.126]
I think it is abundantly clear from these quotes that Kent took a very puritanical and moral line about the origins of disease within the human race and he apparently felt that Psora was equivalent to Original Sin or the Fall of Man.
Hahnemann specify the importance of etiological factors which can alter health like some gross errors in diet, some violent exertion of the mind or body, repeated fright, great grief, sorrow and continuous vexation etc. During the course of chronic disease some joyous occurrence or a pleasant journey, a favorable season, or a dry uniform temperature etc., can induce a symptom free interval during which the patient considers himself healthy. But this favorable pause is of no longer duration. Frequent repetition of the well-selected remedy even in appropriate doses during the recurrence of the symptoms is found to be less effective.     
The result of the Homoeopathic treatment in chronic disease is
At their beginning were promising, the continuation less favorable and the out come hopeless”.
All chronic diseases of mankind, even those left to themselves, not aggravated by a perverted treatment, such a constancy and perseverance, that as soon as they have developed and have not been thoroughly healed by the medical art, they ever more increase with the years, and during the whole of man’s life; and they can not be diminished by the strength belonging even to the most robust constitution. i.e., They never pass away of themselves, but increase and are aggravated even till death.  
Even after the administration of most similimum Hahnemann observed a continuous relapse or recurrence of the symptoms occurred at variable intervals and thereby no complete cure. This made him think about the obstacles for complete cure and this led him to the discovery of the nature of the chronic diseases.  
After a long lasting investigation and observation in most of the chronic diseases, the master had trace a history of “itch eruption” and many of the chronic sufferers had the disease since then. Many a time this itch was suppressed by faulty practice. Finally he could find out effective means against the original malady, which he named as    “Psora”.  
Hahnemann’s continued observations of several years taught him that not only most of the many cutaneous eruptions but also almost all adventitious formation- from the common wart to the sarcomatous tumor, from the malformation of the finger nails up to the swelling of the bone and the curvature of the spine are caused by Psora.
“It is the most ancient, most universal, most destructive and most misapprehended chronic miasmatic disease” which for many thousands of years has disfigured and tortured mankind and which during the last centuries has become the mother of all thousands of incredibly various chronic diseases by which the whole civilized human race on the inhabited globe is being more and more afflicted. It is the most hydra- headed of all the chronic miasmatic diseases.  
External eruption of itch cannot only be drawn away by the faulty practices of physician and quacks but also it withdraws from the skin to affect the internal organ. But the syphilis and sycosis have greater advantages over the itch disease in that the chancre or fig warts can never leave the external part until the external repressive remedy destroys them or removed through the simultaneous internal cure of whole disease. The venereal diseases cannot therefore breakout so long as these external manifestations persist.  
Oldest documents of history also show that psora was prevalent in several varieties and this was pointed out by Moses 3400 years ago. In Leviticus chapter 13 and 21 mentions about psora where the malignant itch is designated by the word “ garab ” which the Alexandrian translators translated with “ psora agria ”,
 the vulgate with “ scabies jugis ”.  
In ancient times psora was mostly confined to its dreadful cutaneous symptoms. Only during the last few century mankind was flooded with a numberless infirmities like nervous troubles, spasm, painful ailments, ulcers (cancer), adventitious formation, dyscrasias, paralyses, consumptions and crippling of soul, mind and body etc. Hahnemann thought that the basic cause for this multitude of chronic disease was due to drinking of warm coffee and Chinese tea, which so largely increases the irritability of muscle fiber as well as excessive excitability of nerves. This undue prominence given to coffee drinking was due to the fact that Hahnemann had not then discovered the cause of chronic disease as psora.  
Psora forms 7/8 of all chronic maladies while the remaining 1/8 springs from syphilis and sycosis or from a complication of two of these three miasmatic chronic disease or from a complication of all three of them. “Psora is among all the diseases the one, which is most misapprehended, and therefore, has been medically treated” .
After many years of such treatment their suffering continually worsened and at last freed from their hand by death, the end of all earthly maladies.  
Many experience of Dr. Hahnemann in chronic diseases were frequently confirmed by observations of others, All miasmatic maladies, which show peculiar local ailments on the skin, are always present as internal maladies in the system before they show their local symptoms externally up on the skin. Here the outer local symptoms may either be driven from the skin or may disappear of itself but the internal disease if uncured neither wholly nor in part ever leaves the system; on the contrary, it continually increases with the years, unless healed by art.

“Three different important moments in the origin of chronic maladies are
1.Time of infection
2.Period of time during which the whole organism is being penetrated by the disease infused, until it has developed within and
3.Breaking out of the external ailment”.

The whole interior man must first have become thoroughly sick before its external manifestation appears on the skin or other part of the body. In impure coition, the specific contagion arises in the spot, which is touched or rubbed, most probably at the very moment of act (immediately after the moment of contagion). The spot remains healthy according to appearance, only the internal organism is called into activity by the infection, so as to incorporate the venereal miasma. When the development of the venereal disease has been completed, the diseased internal organism tries to mitigate the internal evil and to sooth it, by producing a local symptoms which first shows itself as a vesicle and later breakout in to a painful ulcer called the chancre. If the entire disease thus arising is extinguished through the internally given specific remedy, then the chancre is also healed and the man recovers. But if the chancre is destroyed through local application before the internal disease is healed (and this is still a daily practice with physicians of the old schools) the miasmatic chronic venereal disease remain in the organism as syphilis and it is aggravated, if not then cured internally, from year to year until the end of man’s life, even the most robust constitution being unable to annihilate it within itself.
Psora is much more infectious than the other two chronic miasmata (the venereal chancre disease and fig wart disease).
To effect the infection with the latter certain amount of friction is required in the tenderest part of the body as in genital organs or the miasma should touch a wounded spot.
But the miasma of the itch needs only to touch the general skin. The disposition of being affected with the psoric miasm is found with almost everyone and almost all circumstances, which is not the case with the other two miasmata.  
No other chronic miasma infects more generally, more surely, more easily and more absolutely than the miasma of itch. Psoric miasma can infect through gloves (which had been tried on by an itch patient), towel (contaminated), baby may be infected while passing through the organs of the mother or the baby receives this unlucky infection through the hand of midwife. Here, Hahnemann mentioned there are thousands of possible ways in which things polluted with this invisible miasma may touch a man in the course of his life, so that man who never been infected with the psora are the exception. He also mentioned that the chances of infection are more in crowded hospitals, factories, and prisons or in orphan houses or in the filthy huts etc. 
Usually it takes one to two weeks, from the moment of infection, for the development of itch miasm. No eruption or itching will be seen on the skin during the first few days. Thereafter when the infection invades the whole organism the local symptoms break forth, the itch vesicles. After this period with a slight or severe chill in the evening and a general heat followed by perspiration in the following night the itch vesicles come out.  
When this chronic miasmatic disease affects the whole organism, the diseased vital force endeavors to alleviate and to soothe the internal malady through the establishment of suitable local symptoms on the skin, the itch vesicles. So long as this eruption remains in its normal form, the internal psora with its secondary manifestations cannot rise, but must remain in latent form (latent psora). These troublesome eruptions act as frontrunner of the internal disease and keep the patient free from secondary ailments. Only in this stage the disease can easily be cured by internal administration of well-selected Homoeopathic medicines.  
As a result of suppression of primary manifestation of psora by local application or by non- Homoeopathic internal medicines it is driven inwards and remains in a dormant state, which is dangerous. It is called latent psora.
The consideration of miasms is of paramount importance in effective homoeopathic prescribing particularly in this world of multi-suppressions where perceiving a clear picture of disease is becoming increasingly difficult.

                                                PART II


Either physical or mental

e.g. atrophy, anaemia, ataxia, anorexia etc.

Physical irritation is characterised by itching
Mental irritation
leads to mental turmoil characterised by
Therefore any diseased condition characterised by deficiency, scantiness or absence, and all ‘hypo’ conditions reflect psora
e.g. itching all over the body
e.g. anxiety
apprehension (especially of impending misfortune), which manifests as fear. Psora has the most fears of all the miasms.
So deficient immunity resulting in increased susceptibility to catch infections i.e. ‘hyper sensitivity’ is a psoric criterion.

Either physical or mental

All hyper and excesses are sycotic.
Incoordination in development
Incoordination in the sensorium or comprehension
e.g. hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypersexuality, excess working (workaholics).
Proliferation or excess
e.g. absentmindedness
e.g. tumours, fibroids, warts and any growths.
Whilst concentrating on studies the mind is abstracted and wanders off elsewhere.

Either physical or mental

All hypers and excesses are sycotic.
Characterised by structural destruction and degeneration
Characterised by destruction and perversion
e.g. dystrophy, dysplasia, dysphagia
(where there is cellular destruction and degeneration)
Pus formation
(characterised by degenerated cellular debris)
(characterised by structural degeneration)
Love for one’s own life is destroyed (suicidal tendencies).
Perverted sex and sexual cravings.
Irregular manifestations such as irregular peristaltic movement resulting in dysenteric spasm and stool, or high systolic and low diastolic blood pressure in one individual.
Such manifestations reflect irregularity in the circulatory mechanism.

Either physical or mental


Person craves sugar but this makes them sick and they become dissatisfied.
Perverted sexual cravings or profuse masturbation make the person exhausted (this is from the syphilitic component of the miasm), or the person enjoys sex but exhaustion does not permit so they remain     unsatisfied.
Changeable mentality (e.g. wants new clothes, changes occupation, studies, jobs partners etc. very frequently and is never satisfied).
Vagabond mentality (e.g. likes to travel often, cannot stay in one place).

Alternation — e.g. constipation alternates with diarrhoea.
Periodicity — e.g. headache comes on every seventh day.
One sided diseases — e.g. insomnia, anorexia, migraine, fatigue etc.
Other conditions which present with ill-defined symptoms or too few symptoms.
All allergic manifestations such as food and dust allergies.
All haemorrhages.
All recurrent problems.


Leading Anti-Psoric Medicines:
ALOES, Alumina, Ambra, Ammon.carb, Anac, Ant.c, Apis.mel, Arg.nit, Ars.alb,
Ars.i, Avena.sat, Baryta carb, Bell, Bry, Bufo.r, Calc.ars, CALC.CARB, Caps, Carb.veg, Caust, Cist.c, Coc.c, Conium. mac, Cup. met, Digit, Dulcamara, Ferr.m., Graph, HEPAR SULPH, Hypericum, Ignatia, Kali.p, Kali.carb, Lac.c, Lach, Led, LYCO, Mag.c, mag.m, Mang.act, Meli, Mer.cor, Mer.sol,, Nat.m, Nuphar.luteum, Nux mosc, Nux vom, Nycanthus, Opium, Pariffinum, Petrol, Phos, Platina, Plumb.m, PSOR,  Pyro, Rheum, Rhus.t, Robi, Sabal.ser, Saras, Sec.cor, Selen, Silica, Stan. met, SULPH,, Sumbul, Syphilinum, Syzygium, Taraxacum, Tarentula, Tart.acid, Teuc.m.v, Ther, Verat.alb, Verbascum, Vinca.min, Viola.tri, ZINC MET.

Leading Anti-Sycotic Medicines:
Abrot, Act.r, Agar, Agn.c, Arg.met, Alum, Amm.benz, Amm.phos, Anac, Ant.c, Anti.t, Apoc.can, ARAN, Arg.nit, Ars.alb, Aster, Aur.mur.nat, Bacil, Bary.c, Benzoic acid, Berb.v, Bry, Calc.c, Calc.iod, Can.s, Carb.s, Carb.veg, Caul, CAUST, Cham, CONIUM, Dulc, Graph, Hell, Hep.s, Hyos, Kali.s, Kalm, Lach, Lapis. alb, Led. pal, Lil.tig, Lith.c, Lyco, Lycopus.v, Mag.p, Mang.act, MEDO, Meph, Mer.cor, Merc.d, Merc.i.f, Merc.i.r, Merc.sulph, Murex, Mygale, Myrica, NAT. SULPH,  Nat. mur, Nat. nit, NIT.AC, Nit.sp.d, Oci.can, Ooph, Orig, Pall, Pareira.brava, Pass.f, Petros, Phos, Pitu, Plat, Plumb.m, PULS, PYRO, RAD.BROM, Raph, Rhod, Rhus.t, Rhus.a, Ruta, Sabal ser, Sabina, Sang.n, Sanicula, Sars,  Sec.c, Selen, SEPIA, Sol.lyc, STAPHY, Sticta, Tell, Tereb, Teuc.m.v, Ther, Thios, Thlas.b.p, THUJA, Thymol, THYRO, Tub.bov, Uran.nit, URTICA.UR, Ust, Uva.u, Vacc, VARIOLUM, Verat.alb, Ver.vir, Vib.op, Viola.t, Vis.alb, X-RAY, Zin.m.

Leading Anti-syphilitic Medicines:
Anthr, Arg.nit, Ars.alb, Ars.i, Art.v, Aur.mur.nat, Asaf, Aur.i, AURUM MET, Aur.brom, Bad, Bap, Calc.ars, Calc.fl, Calc.i, Calc.s, Calend, Cann.s, Canth, Carbo.v,, CARC, CINAB, Clem, Con, Cor.r, FLUOR.AC, Hep.s, Hydr, HYDROPH, Iod, Kali.ars, KALI.BICH, KALI.BICH, Kali.c, KALI.IOD, Kali.mur, Kali.s, Kalm, KREOS, Lach, Led, Lyco, Mang.act, Merc.i.f, merc.bin.iod, Merc.brom, Mer.cor, Merc.cyan, Merc.dulcis, Merc.i.f, Merc.i.r, Merc.proto.iod, MER.SOL, MEZ, Morphine,, Myrist, NITRIC.AC, Ornith, Osmium, Paeonia, Petroleum, Phos,, Phys, PHYTO, Pyro, Ratan, Rhus.ven, Sabad, Sars, Sil, Solan, STELLARIA, Stillingia, Sulph,, SYPH, Syzyg, TAREN.C, Thalasp.p, Trifolium, Trom, Tuber.

Leading Anti- Tubercular Medicines:
Acal.ind,, Agar.m, Ail.g, All.c, Amm.c, Amm.c, Anti.t, Arg.n, Arn.m, ARS.I, BACIL, Bapt, Bary.c, Bell, Brom, Bufo, Cact.g, CALC.C, CALC.I, Calc.phos, Calc.s, Carb.v, Carc, China.ars, CHINA, Cist, Con.m, Crot.h, Dros, Dulc, Elaps,, Ferr.p, Galium, Ham, Hep.s, HYDRAS, Hydrophinum, Ign, IOD, Ipec, Kali.c, Kali.chl, Kali.iod,Kali.nit, Kali.p, Kali.s, Lac.d, Lach, Lyco, Merc.cyan, Merc.d, Merc.i.f, Merc.s, MILL,, Naja.t, Nat.nit,, Ol.j,, PHOS.AC, PHOS, Plb.m, Psor, Sabina, Sang.c, Santonin, Sec.c, Senecio, Senega, Sepia, SILICA, Solidago.v, Spig, Spong, Stan.m, Stont.carb, Sulph,, Tarax, TEREB, Ther, THLAPSI.B.P, Thyr, TRILL.P, TUBER.B, Urt.u, Vinc.m. 

Leading Tri-Miasmatic Medicines:
 Arg.n, Calc.c, Carc, Caust, Hydroph, Hep.s, Lyco, Merc.sol,, Phos, Sulph, Tuber.

Hahnemann lists the following as Psoric remedies in the Chronic Diseases:

Psoric remedies:
Hahnemann also pointed out the origins of his theory and the remedies that he decided had the power to eradicate the symptoms of a particular miasm.

Agar, alumina, ammon carb, ammon mur, anacardium, antimon crud, arsenicum alb, aurum, aurum mur, bar carb, borax, calc carb, carbo an, carbo veg, caust, clem, colocynth, conium, cuprum, dig, dulc, euphorbium, graph, guaj, hepar, iodum, kali carb, lyc, mag carb, mag mur, manganum, mez, mur ac, nat carb, nat mur, nitric acid, nitrium, petroleum, phos, phos ac, platina, sars, sepia, silica, stannum, sulph,, zincum.

The lists of miasmic remedies that Kent gives on page 1406 of his Repertory are as follows:

Syphilitic remedies:

Arg-m., Ars-i., ars-s-f., ars., asaf., Aur-m-n., Aur-m., Aur., bad., benz-ac., calc-i., calc-s., carb-an., carb-v., cinnb., clem., con., cor-r., crot-h., fl-ac., guai., hep., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-chl., Kali-i., Kali-s., lach., led., Merc-c., Merc-i-f., Merc-i-r., Merc., mez., Nit-ac., petr., ph-ac., phos., Phyt., sars., Sil., staph., Still., sul-i., sulph., Syph., thuj.

Sycotic remedies:

Agar., alum., alumn., anac., ant-c., ant-t., apis., aran., Arg-m., Arg-n., aster., aur-m., aur., bar-c., bry., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., cinnb., con., dulc., euphr., ferr., fl-ac., graph., hep., iod., kali-c., Kali-s., lach., lyc., mang., Med., merc., mez., Nat-s., Nit-ac., petr., phyt., puls., sabin., sars., sec., sel., Sep., sil., Staph., sulph., Thuj.

[These are exactly the same as the lists given on p86 of Speight's work on the miasms.]

To discover the true psoric remedies we must add together the remedies listed in the Repertory for a range of 'psoric' conditions. This means checking carefully all the symptoms and repertorising for all of them, gradually building up a master list of remedies that fit Psoric conditions. This exercise was highly recommended by Kent as a sure way of fixing in the mind the remedies of a particular miasm. It is also an excellent introduction to the miasms generally and is good for revision purposes. With computer programs like Radar and Cara this task become a lot easier than it was in Kent's or Hahnemann's day.
Since the 1950's it has been claimed that Tuberculosis have developed into new miasm in the own right, most probably as offshoots of what Hahnemann termed the 'Hydra headed Psoric miasm' (The Chronic Diseases, p14).

                                       PART - IV


calcarea carbonicum:

Calcarea patients are Fat, Flabbly, Flabby, Perspiring, Cold, Damp & Sour.
Leucopleghmatic temperament;
Hydrogenoid constitution;
Blond hair, Light complexion, Blue eyes, Fair skin, Tendency to obese in youth,
Persons who take cold easily, with increased mucus secretions;
Children, who grow fat, are large bellied, with large head, pale skin, and chalky look;
Nasal polyp; swelling at root of the nose;
Stoppage of nose with fetid yellowish discharge;
Offensive odor in nose;
Coryza, takes cold at every change of weather;
Catarrhal symptoms with hunger;
Coryza alternates with colic.

Teucrium marum varum:
A remedy of first importance in chronic nasal catarrah with atrophy; large, offensive crusts & clinkers.
Anosmia, loss of sense of smell;
Discharges of large irregular clinkers, foul breathe.
Crawling in nostrils, with lachrymation & sneezing.
Coryza with stoppage of nostrils.
Catarrhal condition of both anterior & posterior nostrils;
Mucus polypus;

Sanguinaria :
                   It affects chiefly the mucosa of Respiratory tract;
                   It is the Right sided remedy;
                   Nasal polypi; Laryngeal polypi;
                   Hay fever;
                   Ozaena; with profuse, offensive, yellowish discharges;
                   Chronic rhinitis; membrane dry & congested;
                   Coryza, followed by diarrhoea, sudden stoppage of catarrah
                   causes diarrhoea;
                   Associated with vasomotor disturbances;
Allium cepa:
Acute catarrhal inflammation of mucous membrane with increased secretions;
Coryza profuse, watery & acrid nasal discharge, with bland lachrymation.
Acrid watery discharge dropping from tip of the nose;discharge burns & corrodesthe upper lip;
Nasal polypus;
Spring coryza after damp northeasterly wind;
Hay fever in august every; violent sneezing on rising from bed; from handling peeches;
Eyes: burning, biting, smarting as from smoke, must rub them; watery & suffused, excessive bland lachrymation;
Catarrhal dull headache; < in the evening; > in open air; < on returning to warm room;

Apis mellifica:
Acts on cellular tissues causing odema of skin & mucous membrane;
Bad effects of acute exanthema imperfectly delevoped or suppressed, measles, scarlatina, urticaria;
Nose red , swollen, inflamed with sharp pains;
Affects right side;
Extreme sensitiveness to touch;
Pains: burning, stining, sore, suddenly migrating from one part to another;
Aggration: heat in any form, touch, pressure, late in afternoon, after sleeping, in closed room ;
Amelioration: open air, uncovering, cold bathing;

Calcarea sulphurica:
Cold in head with thick, yellowish, purulent secretion, frequently tinged with blood;
One sided affections;
Yellowish discharge from posterior nares;
Edges of nostrils sore;
Mucous discharges are yellow, thick, & lumpy;

Kali nitricum:
                   Polypus, swollen feeling, < right nostril;
                   Nose pointed red & itching;
                   < towards morning & in afternoon;
                   > drinking sips of water;

 Lemna minor:

                   A catarrhal remedy; acts especially on the nostrils;
                   Acts especially on the nostrils.
                   Nasal polpi; Swollen turbinates; Atrophic rhinitis;
                   Asthma from nasal obstruction;
                   Putrid smell; loss of smel;
                   Crusts & mucopurulent discharges very abundant;
                   Post nasal dribbing;
                   Pain like a string from nostrils to ear;
Reduces nasal obstruction, when it is an odmatous condition;
<damp rainy weather, especially heavy rains;

 Mercurius iodatus rubber:
                    Coryza & dull hearing;
                   Right side of nose hot;
                   Hawks mucus from the posterior nares;
                   Turbinates swollen;

                    Polypi-bleeds easily;
                    It irritates , inflames & degenaretes mucus membranes;
Aggravation: touch, physical or mental exertion, twilight, warm food or drink; Change of weather; lying on left / painful side, during thunder storm, ascending stairs;
Amelioration: in dark, lying on right side, cold food, open air, washing with cold water, sleep;
                   Dry coryza with stoppage of nose;
                   Chronic catarrah with post nasal dribbing;
                   Secretions filthy smelling;
Extreme senstiveness to cold, wants to be covered with fur even in summer;
Aggravation: coffee, changes of weather, in hot sunshine, dread of least cold air / draught;
Amelioration: Heat , warm clothing;
                   Nose obstructed & loss of smell;
                   Dry hard crusts from bleeding when loosened;
                   Bad effects of  vaccination;
                   Suppurative process;
Aggravation: new moon, morning, from washing, uncovering;


                    Nose stuffed indoors;
                    Imaginary foul smells;
                    Chronic dry catarrah, dry scabs really bleeds;
                    Polyps & Adenoids;  offensive discharges;
Aggravation: warmth in bed, washing, bathing, in morning, 11 a.m.,night, from alcoholic stimulants, periodically;
Amelioration: dry, warm weather, lying on right side, drawing up affected limbs.
                   Chronic catarrah; thick, green mucus; blood & pus;
                   On blowing nose – pain in teeth;
Hydrogenoid constitutions, whose blood is morbidly hygroscopic, worse humid atmospheres;
                   Left sided remedy; chilly patient;
Aggravation: at night, heat of bed, 3 a.m & 3 p.m ,after break fast; fat, coffee, vaccination;

Use for throbbing and burning pains in the sinuses. Pain aggravated by light, noise, movement, after midnight, and may be triggered by anxiety, exertion, and excitability. Teeth may feel sore and painful. Nausea and vomiting along with sinusitis is a sign to use this medicine. Often patients have a big thirst, but drink frequent sips, rather than gulps. Those who feel relief by lying quietly in a dark room with the head raised on pillows exposed to cool air should use this medicine.
This remedy can be helpful for those whose head feels full, as if it could burst. There is throbbing pain that is worse by jarring, touch, bending forward, lying flat, or motion of the eyes and is relieved by gradually applied pressure, sitting up, or bending the head backwards. The pain usually resides in the forehead or around the eyes. The eyes are also sensitive to light and the face is flushed. They feel dizzy, which becomes worse when bending over. Also for those whose sinus pain appear rapidly then disappears temporarily, only to repeat the process of coming and going.
A person who needs this remedy has a thick, stringy nasal discharge. There maybe extreme pain at the root of the nose that is better by applying pressure in the area. The bones and scalp feel sore. Dizziness and nausea when rising from sitting and the severe pain may lead to dimmed vision. The preference is to lie down in a dark room, feel better with warmth, warm drinks, or overeating. These pains are often worse with cold, light, noise, walking, bending and in the morning (especially on waking) or at night.
                   Snuffles of children; especially fat, chubby babies;
Pressure & pain at the root of nose;
Fetid smell;
Discharges thick, ropy, greenish-yellow, tough elastic plugs from nose.
Loss of smell;
Post nasal dribbing;
Violent sneezing;
> from heat, < morning, hot weather, undressing;
This remedy benefits those who feel as though their head was in a vise. The pains are worse in open air, from sleeping, and after eating and drinking. Pain is also aggravated by extremes of hot and cold. The scalp and the nose become very sensitive to the touch. The teeth feel sore and painful, and excessive salivation is possible. Nasal discharge is usually green but too thick to flow. It is usually offensive smelling and acrid.
Use this remedy when nasal discharge is thick and yellow or green. Headache is worse when lying down and in a warm room, better in cool air and often begins after being over heated. Bedning, sitting, standing from lying down and eating, can aggravate the headache, which is often frontal and accompanied with digestive problems. Slow walking in open air or wrapping the head tightly in a bandage can bring relief.

This remedy is best for those who develop sinusitis with a sharp pain that is worse on the left side. This often occurs after exposure to cold or cold, wet, damp weather. Pain from warmth or when bending can occur and the feeling of relief when cold applications or cold water is applied.


                                                Part - v
                                   MIASMATIC EVOLUTION
Description :
EVOLUTION = A process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage
Disease pictures can be complicated for several reasons. These pictures are expanded upon within this chapter as an important starting point in understanding the value of miasms and miasmatic prescribing in modern homoeopathic practice based on miasmatic evolution.

a) Contaminated Picture: the disease is contaminated or masked. The disease picture is contaminated by various forms of suppression, which can be recognized in either of two ways:
through a lack of expression of symptoms or manifestations
due to emotional, physical or iatrogenic suppressions.

b) Conjoint Picture:
the original malady exists
upon which symptoms of various drugs are superimposed.

c) Scarcity of Symptoms:
conditions in which it is difficult to ascertain
a totality of symptoms,
i.e. one-sided diseases such as insomnia, migraine, fatigue syndromes etc.
Hahnemann makes us aware in §173 of The Organon.

These are diseases with too few symptoms, such as insomnia, anorexia and cases of hyperactive, restless children. They also include the so-called modern illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, where there are only one or two symptoms showing on the surface of the case. In a case of insomnia, for example, where loss of sleep is due to anxiety and nothing more, we are unable to make a totality.                                              
We cannot prescribe successfully on the basis of one or two symptoms and it is due to suppression that only one or two symptoms are visible. It follows therefore, that the manifestations and expressions of the patient must have been suppressed.

Types of suppression:

We know that in the modern world, the causes of suppression are many. They do however fall into the three main categories as follows. Examples are given under each category although it should be noted that these examples are by no means exhaustive.

a) Physical Suppressions
e.g. suppression of perspiration by antiperspirants.

b) Emotional Suppressions
E.g. broken relationships; disappointments in love; pecuniary embarrassments.

c) Iatrogenic Suppressions
Suppressions by non-homoeopathic remedies e.g. antibiotics, steroids etc.
Suppressions by homoeopathic medicines e.g. daily repetition of doses over a prolonged period, polypharmacy, quick alternation of remedies, the use of combinations.
Widespread vaccination.
Suppressions caused by the use of serums (anti-sera preparations)
such as the contraceptive pill and H.R.T.
So we can clearly see that manifestations of one-sided diseases are either contaminated, conjoined with artificial disease symptoms, or hindered and suppressed.
Clinical experience of the classical prescribers and my own ancestral wisdom has shown that the best way to open up these cases is from the miasmatic viewpoint. That is to say, we perceive the surface miasm and treat it accordingly. The surface miasm itself being diagnosed by considering the symptoms showing on the surface of the case as presenting complaints.

Uncovering the layers:                                                                                                                                                                            
It is apparent therefore, that it is necessary to understand the soil, the very dyscrasias of the person, and the miasm, which represents the stigma, groove or pollution in the system. This stigma/groove/pollution, call it what you will, can only be corrected through constitutional, anti-miasmatic treatment, and through such treatment, the complete annihilation of symptoms and perfect restoration of health will ensue.
In order to make a miasmatic assessment, we need to uncover the layers of predisposing weaknesses, which can be attributed to the different layers of suppressions. These reflect the miasmatic weakness of the individual.
I like to compare these different layers of miasmatic dyscrasias with the lotus flower. The outermost layer or petal reflects the surface miasm, that is, the presenting manifestation of the person. On the basis of the totality of symptoms, together with the miasmatic totality, the constitutional anti-miasmatic remedy is then selected for that presenting totality. This not only removes the surface symptoms but also the corresponding miasmatic dyscrasia, which was being manifested on the surface at that time.
Once the outer layer of the flower is removed the second layer is revealed. This second layer in turn becomes the surface miasm, reflecting a different group of symptoms. Dr. Kent guides us here, stating that there now has to be a change in the plan of treatment. This means that if the previous outermost layer was sycosis (and accordingly an anti-sycotic remedy was given which annihilated all the symptoms of that layer), the next miasmatic layer, which rises to the surface, has also to be addressed by its own presenting symptoms. The totality of the case needs to be reassessed and the next prescription selected on the basis of the totality of symptoms including the miasmatic symptomatology.
The skill of a homoeopathic physician is to recognize the differing layers present as they reveal themselves through the surfacing of symptoms. The remedy they select should not only cover the symptomatic totality as manifested through the surfacing of symptoms in the outermost layer but also the miasmatic totality. In such a way ‘layer upon layer of predisposing weakness’ can be peeled off, taking with them the layers of suppressions and corresponding miasma, and the miasmatic dyscrasias can be nipped in the bud.

Classical Miasmatic Prescribing:
[MTEK is a useful memory aid to arriving at a correct prescription.]
M=Miasmatic Totality; T=Totality of Symptoms; E=Essence (should include gestures, postures, behaviours etc); K=Keynotes (which should encompass PQRS symptoms, refer §153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon)
When the above criteria are considered and the steps below followed, a correct prescription can be made.
Step I
Make the miasmatic diagnosis of the case i.e. ascertain the surface miasm.
Step II
Assess the Totality of Symptoms + Essence + Keynotes and PQRS of the case and formulate the indicated remedy.
Step III
Ensure that the indicated remedy covers the dominant miasm, as diagnosed in Step I (refer Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines, the last section of this book).
Step IV
Administer the remedy, which encompasses miasm as well as the Totality of Symptoms.

          By such a prescription, which covers the miasmatic dyscrasia of the person, the chances of recurrence are eradicated and the axiom of ‘rapid, gentle and permanent recovery’ (Hahnemann’s Organon §3) is encompassed. In cases of one-sided disease with a scarcity of symptoms, the action of the anti-miasmatic remedy is centrifugal, and by bringing the suppressed symptoms to the surface allows a proper totality to be framed.
A thorough dissection and incorporation of miasm in each case will help a homoeopathic prescriber in the following ways:
       i.            A deep acting anti-miasmatic medicine by virtue of its centrifugal action will open up such cases (brings to the surface the suppressed symptoms) where the totality of symptoms cannot be framed due to a scarcity of symptoms (i.e. one-sided cases), and those cases with conjoint or contaminated pictures due to various physical, emotional or iatrogenic suppressions.
     ii.            Also of importance is the value of selecting an anti-miasmatic medicine, which covers the psychic essence, nature and character of the individual in absence of any recognisable totality. For example, a patient presents with insomnia with no distinguishing modalities or other characters to complete the symptom. By ascertaining that person’s psychic essence or character (for instance, suspicious, jealous and exploiting in nature, representing sycosis) we can prescribe an anti-miasmatic medicine to cover the insomnia and open up the case. Thus, the anti-miasmatic medicine covers the essence of the person is capable of surfacing the suppressed symptoms and then we can easily frame the totality.
  iii.            To evaluate the necessity of a change in the plan of treatment or a change of remedy; when few symptoms have disappeared after the first remedy has been administered, yet the miasmatic totality shows the preponderance of the same miasm on the surface as that which was originally covered by the initial remedy. It indicates that the prescriber can stay with that initial remedy, as can be seen from the following example: a patient came with the presenting symptom of facial wart, for which Causticum was prescribed. As this medicine covers the miasm (here in this case, sycosis) as well as the symptom, the wart has fallen off; and the next suppressed layer, perhaps a profuse yellowish leucorrhoea (which was previously suppressed by cauterisation) comes to the surface. This symptom too is a sycotic manifestation, and if also covered by Causticum, then that remedy will totally eradicate the problem. So knowledge of miasm guides us to stay with the remedy and to allow its full and complete action.
  iv.            To evaluate the homoeopathic prognosis of the case, as removal of layers of suppression are manifested as clarity of symptoms and also reflected by a quantum jump in the sense of well being. Deep acting anti-miasmatic medicines by virtue of their centrifugal action will remove the layers of suppression which can be evidenced as follows:
a) A quantum jump in the sense of well being.
b) Improved energy.
c) Increased appetite.
d) Better quality of sleep.
e) Harmony and tranquillity of temperament.
a.     Stability (in obese people) or weight gain in under weight subjects.
b.     Clarity of the existing or presenting symptoms or even lighter symptoms.
c.      Suppressed symptoms (even of years ago) reappear on the surface and are permanently eradicated. This reappearance can be in a very transient form, which may not even be visible to the naked eye.

Miasmatic evolution of nasal polyp:
          The evolutionary stages of miasms has been catageriosed basedon the history of the patient viz; Family history; Past history; Personal history; Generals & particulars of the presenting complaints of the patient.
          The totality of present history of complaints indicates Dominant miasm; the history of suppressions, family history, past history, indicates Basic miasm. This differs from each & every case depending upon the case history of the patient.
          In general, the groups of symptoms occurring during the pathogenesis of nasal polyp are classified under each miasmatic group to help in the diagnosis of Dominant miasm of the patient.
·        Clinicals                    :  Rhinitis
·        Characteristics                    :
                                      Various olfactory disturbances of functional origin;
                                         Sensationof dryness of nose;
                                      Discharges are thin, watery, & may be acrid.
                                      Stoppage of nostrils causes mouth breathing
·         Modalities                :
                                      < Morning, from cold & during sleep;
                                      > From warmth, & by natural discharges;
·        Smell                         :
                                      Hypo sensitivity / Hyper sensitivity to smell;
                                      Can’t tolerate any odours, whether good / bad;
Hypersensitivity may cause fainting, sleep disturbances like nausea, vomiting, & headaches.
·        Septum                     :
Painful boils in the nose or pimples on the septum, but there are no malignant manifestations.
Redness of the mucus membrane of the nasal orifice & a sooty, dirty appearance of the septum.
In rhinitis, septum is hot, dry, & burning.
·        Clinicals                    :
                                       D.N.S (Deviated Nasal septum);
                                       Swollen adenoids.
·        Characteristics          :
In sycosis, there are polyps, growths, moles, papilloma & verrucas in the nostrils. There may also be oedematous swelling of the nasal turbinate.
Bland discharges with a fish brine smell.
Difficulty in breathing through the nose can be caused by various growth & edema.
Moist snuffles with a purulent, scanty discharge, with the odor of fish brine odor & no formation of crusts.
There may be mottled appearance of the mucus.
Children born for sycotic parents complicated with gout, take cold easily at the slightest exposure & frequently suffer from acute, copious(+++) watery Coryza, which is often excoriating.
·        Modalities                 :
                                      < :  Damp & changes in weather.
> :  Abnormal discharges from various mucus membranes, such as Coryza.
·        Smell                         :
Sycotic incoordination results in the sense of smell being increased profoundly or diminished.
·        Septum                      :
Burning of nasal septum can lead to obstruction of the nose.
Thickening of the membranes or enlargement of the turbinate bones due to obstruction may cause stoppages.

·        Clinicals                    :
                                      Degenerative and ulcerative disease of the nose.
·        Characteristics          :
The nose may be flat / depressed from ulcesration / destruction of nasal septum and ulcers may occur inside the nostrils.
Clinckers (thick crusts which are black, brown, / black), can be offensive & often have to be removed. Manifest with offensive breath. 
·        Modalities                 :
                                      < : Night, warmth of bed.
                                      > : Abnormal discharges.
·        Smell                         :
Sense of smell may be diminished, lost, or perverted.
·        Septum                     :
Recurrent boils in the nostrils may result in insomnia.
Destruction of nasal septum.

·        Clinicals                    :
·        Characteristics          :
There is a tendency to the recurrent catching of colds.
Epistaxis, which is bright red, may occur from any trivial cause such as over-heating, over-exercise or during fever. Relief comes by cold application but nose bleeds are difficult to stop & recur periodically.
Flushing of the face, eyes, & nose.
Snuffles are periodic & associated with haemorrhage.
A thick yellowish discharge with an odor of old cheese / sulphur, > by cold application is constantly dropping down the throat (post nasal drip).
Nasal polyp when characterized by profuse haemorrhage.
·        Modalities                 :
                                      < : Closed room.
                                      > : Open air, by epistaxis.
·        Smell                         :
Sense of smell has changeableness, &alternation of both nostrils. The patient will smell through one nose when the other is blocked.
·        Septum                     :
Tubercular nostrils are narrow & have small openings leading to nasal blockages & thereby mouth breathing.

          PART - V


Each & every system of medicines whichever in practice has their own limitations & as well as success, it changes according to the type of disease & the nature of the disease; For example most of the acute diseases in the emergency conditions Allopathic medicine acts as a life saving medicine; But most of the Chronic diseases responds well to Other Alternative Systems of medicines especially Homoeopathy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani etc., & Some Surgical conditions by appropriate surgical methods, each one has its own method for the purpose of cure/ relief of the patient. Regarding the topic selected NASAL POLYP, an Extra mucosal Growth from the nasal mucosa, either from Allergic cause / Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection; This condition is most commonly known Surgical Condition but recurrences are very frequent even after the surgery or any other treatment. But when treated with homoeopathic method of treatment the recurrences are reduced & even eradicated fully from the root causes.

The differences in the treatment can be explained on the basis of following points & this comparison is explained between Allopathic, Surgery, & homoeopathy systems as based on;

1.    Approach to the patient,
2.    Motive of the treatment,
3.    Scope of the treatment,
4.     Limitations of the treatment,

Approaching the case on nosological viewpoint & treating symptomatically without removing the causative factor.
          Relieving the patients’ symptoms temporarily.
Recurrences are more in case of nasal polyp & medicines have only palliative action.
Suppressions of symptoms occur & it leads to other adverse action over internal organs of the body.
According to allopathic mode of treatment, long-term treatment is required to reduce polyp size and prevent their regrowth.
Bad effects of the drugs given during the treatment especially incase of nasal polyp, corticosteroid drugs used medically which has many constitutional bad effects occurred after taking these medicines for long period which are explained below;

 What are corticosteroids?

The corticosteroid drugs used medically are, in fact, similar to those occurring naturally in the body and produced by the adrenal glands. These natural hormones are essential to the body in fighting stress, injury and disease.
Corticosteroids (sometimes called "cortisone") are effective anti-inflammatory drugs often used to help control inflammation.

How are corticosteroids administered?

These drugs may be given by mouth (tablets), by injection or by the inhaled route using an inhaler or dry powder device.

How do corticosteroids work?

One of the important actions of corticosteroid drugs is to reduce inflammation.

What are the side effects?

Side effects of corticosteroids are uncommon unless you take them for a prolonged period or in very high doses.  As with any other drugs, unexpected individual reactions can occur.

Inhaled corticosteroids (e.g. AldecinTM, BecotideTM, BecloforteTM, PulmicortTM and FlixotideTM) are preferred to corticosteroids taken by mouth (e.g. prednisolone, dexamethasone) because the dose required is much less and is delivered directly to the lungs. In addition, there are few side effects associated with inhaled steroid use. The commonest of these are hoarseness of the voice and a sore throat. The sore throat may be due to the development of a fungal infection (thrush) or due to the propellant in the puffers. Mouth washing and gargling after each dose and the use of a spacer device, such as a VolumaticTM or NebuhalerTM will help avoid these problems. Other side effects are extremely rare.

Oral corticosteroids have a bad reputation in the community largely because of the side effects that they sometimes produce. These usually occur only when corticosteroids are taken orally over a long period of time. The most common of these include weight gain, increased susceptibility to infection, slow healing, easy bruising, fluid retention, growth retardation in children, hairiness, diabetes and thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) particularly in women during and following the menopause. Sometimes emotional upset such as depression can be troublesome. Corticosteroids may also cause indigestion and occasionally bleeding from the stomach. You should notify your doctor if you have ever suffered from peptic ulcers, indigestion or heart burn in the past.
            The most commonly encountered side effects are:
·         Sodium retention
·         Increased appetite
·         Increased fat deposits
·         Increased acid in your stomach
·         Increased sweating, especially at night
·         Increased hair growth
·         Acne on the face, back, and chest
·         Bone and muscle problems
·         Growth problems in children
·         Eye problems
·         Increased sugar in the blood
·         Increased sensitivity to the sun
·         Delayed wound healing
·         Decreased ability to fight infection
·         Thrush (Candida) growth in the mouth

Hahnemann’s view:
·         The antipathic / enantiopathic / palliative method treats a single symptom of the disease with a remedy of opposite action, “Contraria Contraris”§: 57.
·         This antipathic treatment is not defective merely because it is directly against a single symptom of the disease only, but because in persisting ailments, after it produces a short apparent amelioration, real aggravation ensues §: 58.
·         Increasing the dose at every repetition of a palliative never cures a chronic affection, but does still more harm §: 60

Dr. BNR Vijayalakshmi BHMS


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